If you also are one of the people who have been searching as well as we can also say that looking for an accurate and also a proper kind of the answer to the question what does ttyl mean in texting language over the internet then you are at the right place. Have a look at the same and continue reading the article till the end of the same in order to know more about the acronyms and abbreviations used over the internet.
The answer to the question of what does ttyl mean in texting language over the internet under the umbrella of the digital communication is known to be the Talk to you later.
Therefore, we can also understand that full form or we can also say that the meaning of the acronym or the abbreviation T.T.Y.L. is a very commonly and also very frequently used kind of the word and term by the people all across the globe over the internet and in the digital communication language.
Understanding more about the acronyms Here in this particular article we are going to discuss and also going to understand a lot of the various unique and different kinds of the acronyms and also the abbreviations, which are being used all over the globe over the internet by the people very frequently. Then you are also going to understand the meaning and full form of the what does ttyl mean in texting as well. Have a look at the same.
The following are some of the major and top most acronyms and abbreviation used by the people over the internet:
- T.T.Y.L - talk to you later
- A.S.A.P - as soon as possible
- B.R.B - be right back
- G.T.G - Got to go
- W.B.U - what about you
- DM - direct message
- L.M.A.O - laughing my ass off/ out.
- L.O.L.- laughing out loud
- D.M. - direct message
- R.T.- re tweeting
- A.M.A.- ask me anything out there
- H.T. - has tag
- I.M.H.O. - in my humble opinion
- F.A.Q. - frequently asked question
- T.B.H. - to be really honest
- I.R.L. - in the real life of the person
- N.S.F.W. - not so safe for the work
- T.L.T.R. - it is too long to be read
- G.O.A.T.- greatest of the all time
- D.O.P.E.- cool as well as the awesome personality
- G.U.C.C.I.- good, cool, as well as the going well
- O.M.G.- oh my god
- L.I.T.- amazing, cool, and also the exitcing one of all time.
- Y.O.L.O.- you only live once
- F.O.M.O. - feeling of missing out
- B.R.U.H - bro or dude or the brother
- N.O.O.B. - A newbie in the market who does not know how to handle a particular task
- R.O.F.L. - rolling on floor laughing
- L.O.L. - lots of love
- I.M.O - in my opinion
- P.F.A - please find attachments
- T.B.D. - to be discussed
- E.O.D - end of day.
- L.M.A.O - laughing my ass off
- L.M.A.O. - laughing my ass out
So, the answer to the question of what does ttyl mean in texting is known to be “Talk to you later” in the digital communication over the internet. You need to make sure that you are using the correct kind of the acronyms in the chat before using the same and also make sure that people know it.